① Mother is the light of the house.英語の日本語訳の質問です。。
① Mother is the light of the house. 母は、我が家を明るくくれる。。
② Every children`s favorite. みんな大好きだ。。
③ She is kind thoughful and loving mother. 思いやりがあり、親切だから。。
④ Because of poverty she was not able to finish her study. 母は、家が貧しかったので充分勉強できなかった。。
⑤ She is the bread winner of the family. でも母は、一家の大黒柱(稼ぎ手)でね。。
⑥ She worked as dishwasher ,store-keeper at young age to support her siblings. 若い頃には、皿洗いのバイトや雇われ店長を兄弟の生活援助もいた。。
⑦ I remembered when I celebrated my 18th birthday my parents did their best to throw a simple bbirthday celebration with my friends. 私が18歳の友人との誕生日パーティーにも色々手伝ってくれま。。
⑧ Every chirstmas my mom makes sure me and my sister to have a new clothes and shoes. 毎年クリスマスには、新しい洋服とシューズをプレゼントくれていた。。
⑨ Every school event she makes time to witness the specail part of my life as a student. 色んな学校行事では保護者と見守って支えてくれていた。。
⑩ She woke up early to prepare foods to bring in school and prepared our uniform to wear. 朝早く起きて学校への兄弟のお弁当を作ってくれ制服も準備くれた。。
⑪ When I started working my mom visit me in my dorm to help me to wash my clothes and bring my foods. 社会人になってからも会社寮に来てくれ洗濯やおかずの差し入れは続きま。。
⑫ I promise to myself once I finish my study and working abroad ,I want to give my parents a better and comfortable life. なので、両親には、私が海外の仕事や勉強を終え、母国に戻ったらもっと楽をさせてあげたいですね。。
⑬ Now they can eat in a fancy restaurant they can buy what they want. 両親にお店を買ってあげたらなーとも思ってます。。
⑭ To pay back for all her sacrifices we will travel Singpore to experience them to ride in an airplane and to see the beauty of Singpore. それとか、飛行機でシンガポールに連れていってあげ観光い。。
⑮ I want to take a chance to be with them and collect more happy memories together as a family. マイファミリーとの楽しい思い出増やいんですよね。。
⑯ We are very glad and thankful to have a mam like my mother. 私と妹はそれらの実現の為なら、何でも喜んで協力しますよ。。
終わり スピーチなので、文語でなく口語に訳ます。。